Did you know you could do your adhd assessment now online
Yeah you have heard it right. Since covid healthcare practice have changed a lot and we are now able to offer online appointments. Your consultant will be able to offer you online appointments and review all your needs of the child online via video calling. After the initial assessment you would have the option of meeting with your consultant face to face.
What does Adhd assessments involve?
- Your initial consultation is for taking a detailed neurodevelopmental history of a child’s difficulties and needs.
- We will ask you to complete a couple of questionnaires by yourself and school and it’s all done online.
- Once we get it back you might or might not be asked to do a computerized test to check for signs of hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity levels.
- You would then have the next appointment with your consultant for reviewing the results of the test and questionnaires and at this appointment the diagnosis will be confirmed or what other investigations are needed if the clinician feels the results are not related to adhd.
- You then would be offered a face to face appointment and a suitable time for you and the child where a detailed medical checkup would be done.
- Some children might not need this if parents are unavailable to travel or already had a Medical exam carried out by other professionals.
In that case you will be requested to get the most recent height, weight, blood pressure and heart rate done in your local pharmacy or with the gp surgery itself.
The consultant pediatrician will discuss ongoing management options for your child .
We are the only clinic in Northern Ireland who is able to provide online assessments at the time of writing this .
If you have any queries kindly contact us and one of our friendly staff will help you.