ADHD Ireland

ADHD Ireland

ADHDASDDoctor is dedicated to providing comprehensive ADHD services in Ireland. We specialize in diagnosing and treating ADHD in both children and adults, offering tailored, person-centered care. Our clinics in Ireland are committed to improving the lives of those with ADHD through expert assessment, treatment, and ongoing support.

Understanding ADHD in Adults and Children

At ADHDASDDoctor, we are committed to providing specialized care for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by three core symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While ADHD is often diagnosed in childhood, many individuals continue to experience symptoms into adulthood. Our National Clinical Programme (NCP) is designed to address the needs of both adults and children with ADHD in Ireland, ensuring a holistic, integrated, and person-centered approach to care.

ADHD in Children: Early Intervention and Support

ADHDASDDoctor recognizes the importance of early diagnosis and intervention for children with ADHD. In Ireland, ADHD is a common childhood disorder, and our clinical services are tailored to meet the unique needs of young patients. We collaborate closely with families, schools, and healthcare providers to create comprehensive treatment plans that support the child’s academic, social, and emotional development. Our goal is to provide children with ADHD the tools they need to succeed in life.

Adhd Ireland
Child ADHD/ASD Specialist Ireland

Dr Anish

Consultant Paediatrician MBBS,FRCPCH,CCT (U.K.)

Dr. Ramesh Shankar

Consultant Psychiatrist Director of Clinical Services, NHS UK

Adhd Ireland

Specialized Services for Adults with ADHD

For adults living with ADHD in Ireland, ADHDASDDoctor offers specialized clinics that provide comprehensive assessment and treatment services. Our Adult ADHD clinics cater to individuals over 18 years old, residing within defined catchment areas, and experiencing moderate to severe ADHD symptoms. These symptoms often impact multiple areas of life, including family and social relationships, academic or work performance, and financial management.

Seamless Transition from Child to Adult ADHD Services

One of the key features of our services is the seamless transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult ADHD services. We , ensuring they receive a formal re-evaluation of their ADHD status. This process confirms the ongoing need for ADHD-specific treatment and supports a smooth transition into adult care.

Collaborative and Integrated Care

ADHDASDDoctor works in collaboration with voluntary agencies and across government departments to provide integrated, person-centered care. Our comprehensive approach ensures that individuals with ADHD receive the support they need at every stage of life. Access to appropriate interventions and treatments has been shown to significantly improve outcomes for both children and adults with ADHD.

For more information on our services, visit ADHD Ireland or consult the Model of Care on p.37, where detailed guidelines for transitioning young adults are provided.

Unlocking Clarity: Your Path to ADHD Diagnosis and Management in Ireland

Welcome to ADHD Ireland: Your Partner in Understanding and Overcoming ADHD


Are you or a loved one facing the challenges of ADHD in Ireland? You’re not alone. ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a condition that affects individuals of all ages, from children to adults. However, proper diagnosis and management have often been under-addressed, leading to a significant impact on individuals’ quality of life. At ADHD Ireland, we’re here to change that narrative.

ADHD Diagnosis in Ireland: Navigating the Journey


The journey to understanding and managing ADHD begins with a thorough diagnosis. Our team of experienced professionals at ADHD Ireland specializes in accurate and comprehensive ADHD assessments. We understand that every individual is unique, and our assessments take into account various aspects of your life to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

Comprehensive ADHD Assessment: Unveiling the Full Picture


Our ADHD assessment process goes beyond a mere checklist. We delve deep into your history, behavior patterns, and challenges to gain a comprehensive understanding of your situation. Through this process, we aim to provide you with the clarity you’ve been seeking regarding your ADHD concerns.

ADHD Test in Ireland: Shedding Light on Your Journey


If you suspect that ADHD might be impacting your life or the life of your child, an ADHD test is a vital step in the right direction. Our ADHD tests are designed to identify key indicators and provide valuable insights into the presence of ADHD. We are dedicated to offering a supportive and empathetic environment throughout the testing process.

Here are the key benefits of opting for a combined assessment:​

Exploring ADHD Medication in Ireland: Informed Decisions


For those considering ADHD medication as part of their management plan, we offer comprehensive information and guidance. Our experts are well-versed in the available medications, their benefits, and potential side effects. We believe in empowering you to make informed decisions that best align with your needs and goals.

Your Partner on the ADHD Journey: ADHD Ireland

At ADHD Ireland, we’re more than just a resource. We’re your partners on the journey to understanding, managing, and thriving with ADHD. Our mission is to bridge the gap in ADHD diagnosis and support, ensuring that individuals in Ireland have access to the resources they need for a better quality of life.


Whether you’re seeking an ADHD diagnosis, comprehensive assessment, guidance on medication, or simply a community that understands, ADHD Ireland is here for you. Our commitment to raising awareness, providing accurate information, and fostering a supportive environment sets us apart as a trusted resource in the ADHD landscape.

Understanding ADHD Entitlements in Ireland: A Guide by ADHDASDDoctor

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can present various challenges, but in Ireland, there are several entitlements and supports available to help individuals manage the condition more effectively. At ADHDASDDoctor, we are committed to ensuring that our patients and their families are fully informed about the resources and benefits they are entitled to, helping them navigate the complexities of life with ADHD.

Educational Supports for ADHD in Ireland

Education is one of the primary areas where ADHD can significantly impact a child’s life. In Ireland, children diagnosed with ADHD may be entitled to special educational needs (SEN) supports. These supports are designed to help students with ADHD succeed academically and include access to resource teachers, special needs assistants (SNAs), and individualized education plans (IEPs).

Parents can work with their child’s school to ensure that appropriate accommodations are made. For example, children with ADHD might benefit from additional time during exams, modified assignments, or breaks during class to help manage attention difficulties. At ADHDASDDoctor, we offer guidance on how to access these educational supports and work with schools to implement effective strategies.

Healthcare Entitlements for ADHD in Ireland

In Ireland, individuals with ADHD may be eligible for various healthcare entitlements. These include access to mental health services, such as those provided by the HSE’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). If a child or adult with ADHD requires ongoing treatment, including medication or therapy, they may be entitled to a Medical Card, which can help cover the cost of prescriptions and other medical expenses.

Additionally, those with ADHD may qualify for the Long-Term Illness Scheme, which provides financial assistance for the treatment of chronic conditions, including ADHD. At ADHDASDDoctor, we assist families in understanding these healthcare entitlements and provide the necessary documentation to apply for them.

Disability Allowance and Other Financial Supports

Adults and children with ADHD in Ireland may be eligible for Disability Allowance if their condition significantly impairs their ability to work or function in daily life. This allowance is a means-tested payment provided to individuals aged 16 and over who have a diagnosed disability that is expected to last at least one year. The allowance can help cover living expenses and other costs associated with managing ADHD.

Furthermore, children with ADHD may qualify for the Domiciliary Care Allowance, a monthly payment provided to parents or guardians of children under 16 who require ongoing care and attention substantially more than that of a child of the same age without a disability.

How ADHDASDDoctor Can Help

At ADHDASDDoctor, we are dedicated to supporting our patients and their families in accessing the entitlements and supports they deserve. Whether it’s navigating educational accommodations, securing healthcare benefits, or applying for financial assistance, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Understanding your entitlements can make a significant difference in managing ADHD effectively, and at ADHDASDDoctor, we are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcomes.

For more information on ADHD entitlements in Ireland, or to book an assessment, contact ADHDASDDoctor today. We are here to support you in every aspect of managing ADHD.

Why Choose ADHDASDDoctor?

ADHDASDDoctor is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with ADHD in Ireland. By offering specialized services tailored to the needs of both children and adults, we help our patients achieve better outcomes and lead fulfilling lives. Our commitment to holistic, integrated care sets us apart as a trusted provider in the ADHD community.

Contact Us Today for Your ADHD Needs

Ready to take the next step in your ADHD journey? Contact ADHD Ireland today to learn more about our services, assessments, and support options. Together, we can navigate the path towards clarity, understanding, and effective management of ADHD in Ireland.

After the assessment will I be able to get a Prescription?

After the assessment in northern Ireland, we will issue a prescription advice to the gps.In some cases gps are not able to prescribe ADHD medications, if this is the case then we will discuss about issuing a private prescription.

Does ADHD Qualify for Disability in Ireland?

Yes, ADHD can qualify for disability in Ireland. The Disability Act of 2005 recognizes ADHD as a condition that may cause significant impairment in daily functioning, making individuals eligible for support services and accommodations. It’s crucial to undergo a proper assessment to determine the extent of the disability and the necessary support required.

How Much is an ADHD Test in Ireland?

The cost of an ADHD test in Ireland can vary based on several factors, including the type of assessment, the provider’s fees, and any additional services involved. It’s recommended to contact reputable clinics or healthcare providers, like Adhdasddoctor, specialized in ADHD diagnosis, to inquire about the cost and specific details.

How much does it cost to get ADHD tested in Ireland?

For both adult and child ADHD assessments, please refer to the following links:
Child Assessment and Pricing
Adult Assessment and Pricing

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

How is ADHD Treated in Ireland?

ADHD treatment in Ireland involves a holistic approach tailored to the individual’s needs. This can include behavioral therapies, educational support, and, when appropriate, medication. Adhdasddoctor specializes in ADHD treatment for children, offering comprehensive assessments and personalized treatment plans, mainly in Ireland. Their expertise ensures that children with ADHD receive the right interventions for improved functioning and quality of life.

How to Change my Photo from Admin Dashboard?

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

How do you get diagnosed with ADHD in Northern Ireland?

It’s critical to get an early diagnosis of ADHD so that appropriate support can be provided. To talk about your concerns and request a referral, you should first speak with your GP if you believe you or your child may have ADHD. Your doctor will typically recommend that you get evaluated by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or paediatrician.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Is ADHD Common in Irish?

Yes, ADHD is a relatively common neurodevelopmental disorder in Ireland. While exact prevalence rates can vary, studies have indicated that ADHD affects a significant number of children and adults in the country. Adhdasddoctor recognises the prevalence of ADHD in Irish children and provides specialized services to address this condition effectively.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Experience Specialized ADHD Treatment with Adhdasddoctor

When it comes to ADHD treatment, especially in children, Adhdasddoctor stands out as a leading expert in Ireland. With a focus on ADHD diagnosis and treatment, they are equipped to provide tailored support for children struggling with ADHD challenges. Their specialized approach takes into consideration the unique needs of each child, ensuring that they receive the right care and interventions for a brighter future.

For families seeking comprehensive ADHD assessment, treatment, and support, Adhdasddoctor offers a beacon of hope. Their commitment to addressing ADHD in children, particularly in Ireland, underscores their dedication to making a positive impact on young lives. If you’re seeking expert guidance and compassionate care for ADHD, Adhdasddoctor is your trusted partner on the journey to better understanding and managing ADHD in children.

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