Category Archive : Blogs

ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals of all ages. While genetics is considered the primary factor in ADHD development, recent research highlights the significant influence of environmental factors on the manifestation and severity of ADHD symptoms. By understanding these connections, we can create a supportive environment that enhances the well-being and […]

Hyperfixation is a phenomenon commonly experienced by individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It involves an intense and all-consuming focus on a particular activity or interest, often to the exclusion of everything else. While hyperfixation can be a source of enjoyment and fulfillment, it is important to recognize its differences from addiction and its […]

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioural condition that is often associated with ADHD. About 40% of children with ADHD are also diagnosed with ODD. This disorder is characterised by an ongoing pattern of defiant, disobedient, and hostile behaviour towards authority figures. Here are some strategies for managing a child with ODD. Understanding ODDChildren with […]

A child’s outburst of anger can be stressful for any parent, but when it becomes a pattern, it could be a sign of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), a condition often associated with ADHD. This article provides strategies to help manage anger disorders in children. What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)?Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a […]

What is Selective Mutism? Selective mutism is a form of anxiety disorder that primarily affects children. It manifests as an inability to speak in certain environments, despite the child’s ability to talk comfortably in other settings, such as at home. Often misunderstood as mere shyness or wilful refusal to communicate, the reality is far more […]

When it comes to studying, individuals with ADHD often encounter challenges due to their difficulties with focus and organization. However, implementing a tailored study plan can significantly enhance the learning experience and outcomes. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create an effective study plan for students with ADHD. Step 1: Start with a Clear […]

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that significantly impacts a student’s learning experience. Often misunderstood, it is vital for educators and parents to recognize the distinct challenges that students with ADHD face and develop strategies to support them. Here are nine insights that shed light on the complexities of ADHD and its implications […]

By [Guest blog by Parent of A child with ADHD] The Power of Positivity: Choosing Your ConflictsPromoting positivity. Concentrating on their abilities, on their achievements. Diminishing and redirecting those moments when they don’t quite hit the target. Sounds straightforward, right? Stay positive, even when my ADHD child is driving me to the brink? When I’ve […]

Unlocking Potential: The Ideal Camp for ADHD ChildrenWith summer rapidly approaching, the hunt for the perfect summer camp for your ADHD child can seem daunting. Camping can provide an excellent opportunity for kinesthetic children, enabling them to learn through doing. This article aims to ease your search by providing ten questions to consider when seeking […]

Harnessing Mindfulness with ADHDDoes it ever feel like you’re perpetually running on fumes, trying to navigate the past, present, and future all at once? Can’t seem to enjoy moments with your children due to their constant stress, or your incessant worry? Does tranquility always seem to be chased away by chaos, leaving everyone drained and […]

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